Sunday, November 13, 2011

Botulism questions?

Botulism is caused by an exotoxin secreted by the bactrium Clostridia botulinum. It is not a contagious disease. Clostridia spp. is an anaerobic spore forming bacteria. In the absence of oxygen and in a suitable environment, the spores germinate, become active cells and secrete the toxin. The botulism toxin is among the most powerful toxins known. Extremely tiny amounts can kill large numbers of people. It is most commonly found in improperly canned low acid foods. Usually home canning. The improper canning fails to kill the spores, kills competitors, and eliminates oxygen. In the past, before canning, it was often ociated with bad sausage. Outbreaks are almost always localized and always ociated with a food. Botulism killls by flacid paralysis eventually affecting breathing. Tet is also caused by a species of Clostridia envincing rigid paralysis �lockjaw�.

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