Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Career ideas?

Don't worry about not knowing what you want to do with the rest of your life at 18. Secondary Ed. is important if you want to make any real money, so here's my advice. Working with animals can be a very rewarding career but you said nothing medical, so that leaves out vets or techs.....maybe look into an animal behaviorist. Fund-raising......too generic, you could get a random BA and work you way into that. As far as writing goes....there's no money in it unless you study journalism but be prepared to work!!! I hope this helps a little. If your still not sure, just start taking some cles toward a liberal arts or business degree, that should get some people off your back. Just so you know.....most people change careers at least 3 times in their life. I'm working on career path #3 and I'm 33.

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