Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How do i get revenge on my ex- boyfriend?

First, do you think that your ex put them up to calling you those names? The first thing you need to know is that guys can be very immature and so can girls. I can honestly say that girls can be the same way. I can't tell you how many times in the past that me and my girls got together and prank called and called the ex all kinds of names. But, this leads to nothing productive. If these guys get a rise out of you, they are going to keep on doing it. Revenge is not going to help the situation. Be the stronger more "adult" person and let them know how stupid and immature they are being. Let them know that this is one of the reasons you broke up in the first place. (They don't have to know that it isn't the reason.) Making them sound immature and you the smarter and more mature person, will probably make them stop anyhow. Because that's exactly how they are going to feel, stupid. It's going to stop, it wont keep going. But, if you do that, it is sure to make you feel stronger and smarter.

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