Friday, November 11, 2011

Is it Christianity's innate persecution complex that has taught its adherents to persecute so well?

I'm a Christian, and I live in America. Nobody is persecuting me. If I should encounter opposing opinions from non-Christians, that does not equal persecution. As for Christians engaging in persecution, I don't (and can't, and won't) deny tragic historical events such as the Crusades and Inquisition. However, please understand that Christianity has been, for me, a path of peace. It is Christianity that introduced me to pacifism, which changed my life completely. Christianity taught me to accept others, regardless of their beliefs, gender, uality, creed, ethnic origin or political doctrine. It has taught me that Christ is present within the homeless, the mentally ill and the oppressed, and that fighting for social justice is a worthwhile cause. True, many people arrive at pacifism without the benefit of Christianity, but for me personally, it's Christianity that showed me a new way to live. And I'm doing this without persecuting anyone, nor am I being persecuted.

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