Saturday, November 5, 2011

I'm thinking about turning my life back to God?

I've been I guess an Atheist or an Agnostic since I was about 12 [I'm 19 now] I constantly feel miserable, I feel there's no point for living except to raise my son [he just turned 2, I raise him on my own because his mom is a dead beat]. I've always felt a presence within me, like I know God, or some God is there, I'm just not sure I want to believe it. Last week, I went to church and brought my son, just to see if this feeling I have is worth chasing after, I got a lot of discrimination, and a lot of looks. They talked about me because I have sleeves [tattoos]. I took out my piercings, but I live at the beach so I have no long sleeve shirts so I couldn't really hide my tattoos. One older woman was actually kind to me and was talking to me and my son, then she was being all cheesy and said to my son "You know Jesus loves you?" And he looked at her and asked, "Whose that?" She looked disgusted after that. I tried to explain to her my situation, but she didn't seem to want to listen. Then there was a guy I went to highschool with who is a big redneck and was talking to me and then rudely asked, "You still a biual queer?" and laughed around his whole family...I don't know what to do. I don't know if would be the right path to follow, or if I should stick to what I feel like is logic and believe in nothing. What should I do?

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