Thursday, November 10, 2011

Should one person as Kathleen Sebelius have so much power and control?

Don't you think that each state should have lots more flexibility than as is now proposed? You need not be an economical wizard to realize in doing such would allow insurance exchanges to have the significant potential to stir up competition, expand access and create accountability.As now the Obamacare laws empower Sebelius to write the rules for how states will create and administer their exchanges. Fact: If the now big and ever growing of government is not scaled back the U.S's viability as a global economic leader and its ability to invest in other vital public services will be dramatically compromised.The U.S. became the most powerful and prosperous nation in the history of the world NOT through central planning and bureaucracy; our Founders chose a different way: freedom, limited government, state and local leadership, and private-sector innovation. That formula will work in health care, and absent the repeal or overturning Obamacare, it starts with the delegation of powers to STATES. The 17 page U.S. Constitution has far and away more substance to it than the 2,700 page Obamacare monstrosity!

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