Friday, November 11, 2011

Worst junior year ever. What should I do to make it more fun? Only sincere answers please. ?

Ok so long story short, I've been having the worst junior year ever. I watch all my friends have more fun than me and I feel more distant from them. There's been a lot of family tension since I started driving this summer, and now I found out that my dad is leaving to go to war for a year, I'm not sad, but my sister and my mom are. They are so mean to me and my mom and dad always side with my sister. It's so annoying!!! Also my grades have been so much worse this year, I used to make all A's, some occasional B's...I've already gotten 2 F's this year and some D's and C's. I never can have any fun because my parents are so strict on me! And every time I do have fun I get in trouble for it. I also have had a lot of guy problems, but I can't tell mom what happened because I'll get in trouble....she thinks I still haven't ever kissed anyone....much less what I did. The whole school found out what I did and I'm terrified they are gonna tell my mom. People from my church get on my facebook and read my information, which isn't even bad, and then they call the house to ask my mom about it...(ex. like "in a relationship" and etc...) Then I get in trouble. I get all depressed on Sundays when I go to church too because our Sunday School never does anything that pertains to me in the slightest bit and I wanted to join another church that we were visiting last year...but since the "angel child" of the family had friends at the our new church we had to join it. It makes me miserable. She reads my texts and blackmails me with them, goes through my stuff, and I can't lock my phone or door because my parents are against privacy. They are also always down my back about my act scores. What should I do? I might have a meltdown here!!!!

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